Many Audi users are in a position to use the Audi radio code generator to get their unlock combination for their locked car radios. This is software that allows you to get a free Audi radio code! Unique software that is compatible with any Audi vehicle and any Audi vehicle’s radio device! There are payable sources for this type of password too.

But, there is no need for you to pay some price for something that you can get fully free right? Below, we will guide you with precise information on how to get your original Audi radio code using the generator that is compatible with all Audi radio devices. Bear with us folks!
Unlock Audi radio code generator
The Audi radio code generator is software that any user can use free of charge. To use it you need to know the serial number combination on your locked radio device. If you know this info, then you are ready to start the process in the steps that we explain below on this page. Follow the steps guide below:
- Download the Audi radio code generator on your device (you can use any computer, tablet, cell phone, laptop with good internet connection).
- Once you activate the software, click on the install button (You may need to select the “Allow” option on your device to make new changes from the new source. If this is the case you must allow or you will not install the software so you can’t use it).
- Once the installation procedure is over, start the generating software.
- Insert your Audi radio’s serial number.
- In the end, click on the “generate code” button.
Once every step is completed you will receive your unlock Audi radio code instantly on your device’s screen in a new window. You will not wait more than a couple of seconds because the software already has all the available data from this type. It it’s their job to connect your serial number to the right unlock car radio code.

Once you will have the Audi radio code in your possession thanks to the unlock Audi radio code generator, you need to insert it manually into your locked device. Once everything is ok, the device will produce sounds once again.
Of course, you can solve the problem with a locked Audi radio device using alternative methods. For sure you can choose to:
- Buy a code from another web-site that sell this type of product.
- You can visit local mechanic worker to solve the problem manually using special tools
If you decide to use one of the methods above, then you need to be ready to pay 5$ (euros) to 25$ (euros). The price can be different depending from:
- Where you will buy the code
- What exact Audi radio model you want to unlock

We recommend you use the free solution and method! It’s the wrong thing to pay for something available for free somewhere. Therefore you are the one that you can choose the best option for you! Good luck folks!
Tags: Audi radio code generator, Calculator, Code, Generator, Radio
Cod radio AUZ2Z2B1376059